Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Post 48: Finishing "Magic Chalkboard

The piece as it stood reflected the situation I saw over a year ago, at the begining of the Trump Administration, and I had picked the Fisrt Amendment as a subject because I felt it was going to be seriously challenged by that unwanted #NotMyPresident. I had let it sit because I didn't want to overwork it and had already gone quite a bit beyond the original Photoshop mockup:

     That mockup was a very basic graphic composition, and it may well have made a better painting. I like it's simplicity. The problem is that this was a piece about the First Amendment, and I had things to say. This is where I had stopped a year or so ago, and what I had to finish:

    It looked really good, and I certainly could have decided it was finished, and just covered it with clear encaustic. But I felt in this case, overworking was probably the right thing to do, and I should try to put in there everything I had felt in the last year fighting the rise of Fascism in this Country, and the constant threats made against the First Amendment by a would be Authoritarian President run amok.
     The First Amendment has litterally been attacked almost daily, the President would clearly like to curtail the Freedom of the Press, the People Right to Asylum has been trampled, and Children have been Separated from their Families, Caged, Drugged, Abused, and Dragged before a Judge at the age of five. Worse, a thousand of them have been lost and may never be reunited with their mother. This is a violation of International Law and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Not only is this Government corrupt to the core, it is criminal, probably even more than we currently imagine.
We have been subjected daily to a deluge of misinformation, desinformation, and outright lies. The Republicans have sold their souls to the Devil in order to achieve the goals of the Koch Brothers, the Environment is being raped, the Regulatory Agencies are being dismantled under our powerless eyes, we have Warmomgers whispering in the President ear, and the President himself is peddling hate and xenophobia.
     Worse of all, a lot of Americans are complicit, either actively or passively. Our fate depends on the 100 millions of people that did not bother to go to the Polls and VOTE in 2016.
      Because of all that, I am going to have to add substantially to the piece. A year ago, it was just a piece about he First Amendment. It has to be updated to reflect the new circumstances. I am adding quite a few new Political Buttons, Stamps, coins, and insects...! Yes, insects, beneficial beloved Ladybugs. Why?
       The original Piece included various Creatures representing The Swamp", "The Sewer" running through our Capital: frogs, maggots, flies, spiders, assassin bugs, horn beetles, and STINK BUGS! Stink bugs were accidentally introduced in the US about 20 Years ago during Bill Clinton's Presidency, and are becoming a big problem in recent years in the United States, litterally , and figuratively.
     So is in another sphere the Current Fanatic Incarnation of the N.R.A., and its numerous payoff to Politicians at all levels of Government to bar ANY kind of regulations, even the most reasonable. That explains the target at the center of the First Amendment "wheel", the 4 bullet holes in it, the maggots, and the still intact 1792 Silver Dot Penny at the center with the figure of Lady Liberty and the unusual motto "LIBERTY PARENT OF SCIENCE & INDUSTRY":

     I find that all the more ironical now that "Industry" has now basically taken over Government itself, and is endangering our Most Basic Liberties: the Right to Clean Air, Clean Water, Safe and Healthy Foods and Drinks, and our Lives themselves... Yes,  the Gun Industry, the Chemical Industry, the Pharmaceutical Industry ARE IN FACT endangering our lives in order to make more money.

     Pentatomoideas, as Stink Bugs are scientifically named, come in a whole range of sizes, shapes and colors, some are quite beautiful, but tend to be foul and leave a nasty odor on everything they touch. Sounds familiar? In America, there are mostly brown and green ones. The "greenback" ones lay green eggs on green surfaces, and multiply. There are not enough Predators to keep them in check...

     I wanted to used some objects symbolic of my Anti Fascist sentiments. As always when I do research, Google turned out to be Ali Baba's Cavern, and I discovered something I never heard of before: "Hobo Nickels"...  It is actually an Art Form still practiced today, apparently pioneered by the train hopping Hobos in the 20's, who carved new faces and figures out of the thick Buffalo Nickels to pass time:

 The Art form is actually still practiced today, and there were some in Europe too during the Depression. Sometimes, they just modified the Indian face, sometimes, they erased it and carved a new image entirely. I found an image of an actual Hobo Nickel showing a Rose blooming out of the mouth of a skull. What a marvelous image to symbolise the rebirth of Socialism in the Democratic Party!

      I also found an Eye, the All Seing Eye, the Eye of Providence, the Eye of Conscience, as seen on our Very First American Coin, and still on our One Dollar bills:

        I started to toy with the idea of re carving a German Nazi coin in Photoshop to make it a virtual "German Hobo Nickel"saying "NEVER AGAIN", a reference to the aftermath of WW2. I collected a bunch of images of 1930's and early 1940"s German coins, and ended up with the "Virtual German Hobo Nickel" image below(a lot of work for a tiny detail of the composition):

     In memory of the biggest fight against Nazism, WW2, what better symbol than the WW2 Victory Medal, awarded to ALL soldiers who fighted between 7 December 1941 and 31 December 1946, with the wide red middle stripe of blood spilled! On the reverse are inscriptions of the Four Freedoms: FREEDOM FROM FEAR AND WANT and FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND RELIGION, separated by a palm branch.

          Great Symbolism!

         My next idea was that we had been fighting the "Stink Bugs" for a year and a half. I suppose you have figured out by now that I like insects. So, what better insect to represent the opposition, and the droves of ladies running for office in this election than the beloved Ladybug, the Gardener's Best Friend. I might point out that ethymologically, the Lady in the name is "Our Lady the Virgin Mary".
        Coccinellidae live all over the world, and come in several shades from Yellow to Red. Most have spots(usually 7, sometimes 5, 12, even 24), and they are mostly carnivorous predators, feeding on bugs. I am glad to report also that they have a much longer lifespan than stinkbugs(1 to 2 years, vs 2 to 8 months).
        I already had a small one at the center of the original composition, and decided to add a number of larger ones to represent our "army" of "swamp cleaners". Some are even in flight, looking like Apache Helicopters...


     I am amazed at how much work there is still to do on this piece. Ideas keep coming. I am trying to include the new elements so as they do not stand out alone, but rather are either under something, or over something. To achieve that, I have to cut them up, or cut out a space for them out of an existing object. I event cut out little part of the veneer wood frame to create the illusion that the Rightous Ladybugs are flying in to fight the Nasty Stingbugs from ouside the canvas itself like Apache Helicopters. A Stinkbug is on it's back expiring already, and "Marine Ladybugs" are moving in to clean up...

     Of course, I am paying close attention to the shadows, one of the keys of Trompe l'Oeil work. Some of the shadows are cast far from the flying "Apache Ladybugs" to give the illusion they are hovering above the surface of the panel.
     I found a great Kick Out Depression Button, with a jointed Donkey actually kicking the Elephant in the butt when you pull it's head down with a cord, and am still looking for the best spot.

   I made an "antique" Vote Jenn Gray, Flip District 45, Integrity Matters Button in Photoshop, and just placed it.

I am almost there!

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