Friday, October 13, 2017

Post 29: Moving along with "Magic Chalkboard"

    I printed all the images on scale and cut them out. After sanding the chalkboard finish smooth with 220 sandpaper, I rubbed a white pastel stick on, drew some lines and erased most of it with a chalkboard eraser and a paper towel.
  The next step was to draw the circular chart, divide it in 7 segments, then each of those in seven more to get the 49 slices. I transfered the Eye and circles drawing, added the letters, Wrote the "We the People" from the Declaration of Independance above the drawer. I laid on the panel all the images to get an idea of the look, and am pleased with the "Trompe l'Oeil" effect, even whithout the shadows drawn in :

       When I picked the circular chart, I actually had no idea what it was about, it just looked interesting to me and fit the composition.

    I set out to research what it meant, and discovered all the stange names starting with a B were connected to "Enochian Angels", and a "language" seamingly made up by John Dee, a 16th Century English "pseudo scholar" with the help of a Medium. The idea was picked up in 2002 by a weird web site peddling all kinds of paraphernalia, incenses and talismans very loosely connected to the original concept. In other words, this chart was plain bullshit!
     The painting so far had no subject, and was still, as often happens with my ideas, just a graphic and interesting composition. I had been concerned lately with the challenges to the First Amendment coming from our #notmyPOTUS, and decided to write it around the circles of the chart. It happened to more or less fit the chart, so I fiddled with the chart and the number of letters and spaces to make it fit within the 49 segments:

   I then set out to make it look good, tried various fonts and symbols, and ended up with this:

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